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    The hand-blown glass of the Nil candle pays tribute in its colors to the blue of the Mediterranean Sea where the Nile river ends its journey. The floral fragrance of papyrus blossom, sea salt and moss is absolutely fresh. Sea Salt - Papyrus Flower - Moss We sail down the Nile to its delta, where the salty spray of the Mediterranean is carried by the wind. All along this journey, at the slow pace of feluccas, you'll notice lush vegetation on the shores, where the scents of green grass and moss mingle with water plants and blooming papyrus.
    The hand-blown glass of the Nil candle pays tribute in its colors to the blue of the Mediterranean Sea where the Nile river ends its journey. The floral fragrance of papyrus blossom, sea salt and moss is absolutely fresh. Sea Salt - Papyrus Flower - Moss We sail down the Nile to its delta, where the salty spray of the Mediterranean is carried by the wind. All along this journey, at the slow pace of feluccas, you'll notice lush vegetation on the shores, where the scents of green grass and moss mingle with water plants and blooming papyrus.
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